Well another A.G.M has come and gone without many changes to personal.
Trustees are; Ian Scott, Brian Mayo, Mike Short, and Greg Liddy.
Our Management committee stays the same with the exception of our Treasurer.
Ross Morgan has retired and Greg Liddy has taken on this roll
We thank Ross for his long service to the Tree Trust.
On the 5th of January we have a Christian group of young people coming to do some work for the community. It will be at 2pm till 5.30 on the Thursday the 5th of January 2006.We will need all the available supervisors please. If you can help, please contact 827 8073
The pine trees on the Cook Street side of the river are due to be cut down and removed in the early part of next year.
Our resident Poets Track maintenance workers (the Steels) have cleared a large area of scrub down towards the river, ready for next years planting.
Greg Liddy has taken on the gorse opposite the B.M.X Track with our chainsaw and now we have an area beside the track to plant with native bush.
Also you will notice in the new Rotary Phone Book an updated map of Cambridge with all the walkways marked, this has been Greg's work too.
New markers are on all the walkways from Carters Flat, Carlyle, Lamb, Shelley, and Bracken Streets. This should prevent visitors getting lost.
There was a great response to the submissions on the Lake. We need to all get together to make progress there.
Our display at the Christmas Festival in the Town Hall has drawn favourable comments.
The nursery is well under control with all plants getting potted on as needed and baby ones coming on for the future.
With the help of our paid maintenance man we are controlling the weeds among the areas planted this year. With pulling out weeds and spraying work continuous.
We have found an 800 metre concrete walkway running along the side of the Watkins Road subdivision right back to the Greenbelt (goes nowhere).
We have to get cracking with a walkway and tree planting project along the Oaklands boundary from Thornton Road, to connect with the Watkins Road walkway. This would be about 2 kilometres long.
We put in a submission on a number of Parks to the Councils Ten Year Plan. Te Ko Utu, Lumb Park, and the Riverbank, the main ones.
We apparently omitted to ask for speaking rights, and were only informed of this at the last moment
So far this new financial year we have in only one third of our members who have paid their subscriptions. If you have overlooked paying could you please attend to this if you can now? It can be direct debited to our Westpac account.
If you see any activity at the nursery just blow in, we would love to see you and have a yarn and a cup of coffee. The jug is always on.
Enjoy your families over the festive season and we will see you in the New Year.